Dear Event Doctor: What is your philosophy on conducting dry runs for an event before the actual game day? We are considering a dress rehearsal of sorts but are not sure about the best approach. How far in advance should we do a run-through, and who exactly should be involved in the exercise? —Practice Makes…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: Tickets to our event are not selling as quickly as we had predicted, even after an initial round of advertising. What can we do to bring up the numbers when selling tickets in advance of an event? —Ticket to Ride Dear Ticket: The first step is to try to identify why your…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: We are in the process of revamping the website for our largest national event. We think the current site—which hasn’t changed in a few years—provides decent information, but we’re sure we can do better. What is essential and what is less important when it comes to information on an event website? What’s…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: Our sports commission is interested in bidding for some larger events. But we’re not getting 100 percent buy-in from some of our city leaders, who are questioning how much hosting the events would cost the city. Any advice on how to approach our conversation with city leaders? —Buying In Dear Buying: Like…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: We have a major event coming to our city and have already heard that hotels in and around the city are raising rates significantly in anticipation of the number of visitors we’re expecting. We want the hotels to do well, but we also want to make sure the rates aren’t so high…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: The NFL instituted a new policy this past season limiting the size and type of bags spectators can carry into games. Our event doesn’t have as many spectators as an NFL game, but do we still need to be considering similar policies? How do we communicate and enforce such changes? —Safe and…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: We’re proud of a new championship event we’ve landed after a long bid campaign. Now we want to announce it to the world. But we’re not sure if we should hold a press conference with key members of the bidding process or simply send out a press release with the pertinent details.…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: We have noticed a variety of approaches when it comes to signage at events to help direct the flow of traffic for vehicles and pedestrians. For our own events, however, we’ve not paid a lot of attention to this. How can we be more professional when it comes to helping our attendees…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: We’re considering making a bid to bring a championship to our city, but the proposed event date coincides with one of the largest festivals held in our city each year. We are going to propose incorporating some ancillary events for the sporting event as part of the festival. Do you think the…READ MORE
Dear Event Doctor: The NFL recently announced that the Pro Bowl will be switching its format by allowing team captains to “draft” the players they want, among other changes. After years of the same format, what are the dangers or benefits of changing the structure of an event that people are familiar with? —Mixing It…READ MORE